Wiretap: Rand Paul to police: Demilitarize

The libertarian right and the civil-justice left have clearly found common ground on the subject of the militarization of the police. Rand Paul writes in Time magazine that what we’ve learned from the tragedy in Ferguson, Mo., is that it’s time to understand that cops aren’t soldiers and that we must de-militarize the police. And the story is praised by liberals everywhere. Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post how Paul’s op-ed makes him the most interesting voice in Republican politics.

Mark O’Mara writes of what he calls the “poisoned” relationship between cops and minorities. Via CNN.

Sixty-seven percent of Ferguson is black. And 93 percent of drivers stopped in Ferguson are black. It took the killing of Michael Brown for anyone to notice. Via the New Republic.

Nate Silver writes that whatever you’ve heard, Hillary Clinton does not have a problem from her left. Via fivethirtyeight.com.

In South Carolina, they’re counting the fireflies. What does it mean if the lights are going out? Via the New York Times.

[Photo from Antonio French via Twitter.]

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