Wiretap: Did this brutal Texas cop not see the camera?

Candid camera?

The movement for cop-cams is growing around the country. In McKinney, Tex., where the cop was caught on video strong-arming a 14-year-old African-American girl in a bikini and pulling out his weapon and aiming it at other African-American teens at a pool party, the question everyone is asking: Didn’t he know he was being recorded? Via the Washington Post.

Poolside history

The McKinney incident is just the latest in the long racial history involving swimming pools. When municipal pools were forcibly desegregated, private clubs and private neighborhood pools proliferated. Via the Atlantic.

Beyond informed

The argument against making it easier to vote is simple: It makes it easier to vote. And if voting becomes too easy, then the less informed will vote in greater numbers and elections will become little more than coin flips. The problem with this theory, writes Ezra Klein, is the paradoxical study that showed highly-informed voters are actually more often misinformed. How could this be? One theory: It’s the polarization of the media and those who look for their information in places where they’re most likely to be reinforced rather than informed. Via Vox.

Odd duck

Bob Moser writes about the liberals who love Huckabee and admits that he used to be one of them. More surprising, especially to himself, he admits that he sort of still is. Via the National Journal.

Left turn

We know Hillary Clinton has moved her presidential campaign to the left, but how far is she willing to go? Some are now wondering if she’s willing to go as far as the $15 minimum wage. Via the Washington Post.

Wild card

Jeb Bush shakes up his campaign staff before his campaign is even official. Is that how a front-runner runs a campaign? Via the New York Times.


Michael Gerson writes that the Republican romance with Rand Paul is over. For Gerson’s hawkish Republicans, though, the romance never actually began. Via the Washington Post.

What then?

The two big Supreme Court decisions – one on same-sex marriage, the other on Obamacare — come this month, and no one is sure which way either will go. But just as big a question, and also unknown, is how any possible combination of decisions will play politically. Via Al Hunt at Bloomberg View.

On track?

American Pharoah won the Triple Crown, which was a spectacular accomplishment. Now the question for the champion 3-year-old: Can he save horse racing? Via the New Yorker.

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