You gotta see this: Jared Polis’ riff on state’s rights, pot legalization and crayfish-smoking

What do crayfish, marijuana and federal troops have in common? They all came up in Rep. Jared Polis’ blistering June 3 rant at Rep. John Fleming from Louisiana who was trying to stop Polis’ Department of Justice bill that would keep the feds from enforcing federal drug laws against businesses and people in compliance with state marijuana regulations.

On the house floor during a hearing about the bill, Polis compared Fleming’s attempts to use the power of the feds to attack Colorado’s legal marijuana users to this hypothetical scenario:

I’m not going to send federal troops into Louisiana to arrest people from whatever you do down there: Smoking crayfish. You want me to ban that and send federal troops down there? I bet maybe smoking crayfish ain’t good for you. I don’t know. What if it’s fried? It might clog your arteries, huh. I bet that’s not good for you. You want me to send federal troops?”

You can watch the whole debate unfold on C-SPAN below. Polis starts talking around 5:25.