Wiretap: More Americans like Planned Parenthood than they like any presidential candidate

Well loved

As the fight over Planned Parenthood promises to heat up, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows that Planned Parenthood is viewed more favorably than any of the candidates running on the Democratic or Republican side. And in case you think the poll might be biased, the National Rifle Association is viewed more favorably as well.

Three percent

The bill to defund Planned Parenthood failed, but there are still numbers to argue about. According to Planned Parenthood, three percent of its funding is used on abortions (a number that was fact checked, suitably, by FactCheck.org). Via The Washington Post.

Blunt assertion

Elizabeth Warren to GOP on the Planned Parenthood bill: “Did you fall down, hit your head and think you woke up in the 1950s or 1890s?” Via Salon.

Tripping up

Jeb Bush walks back his statement on funding for women’s health, saying he misspoke. Via The Los Angeles Times.

Shocking agreement

While the issue of guns makes no headway in Congress, there is suddenly surprise agreement between the parties about mental health reform. Via The National Journal.

Primary matters

Why most primary debates don’t matter, but Thursday’s almost certainly will. Via Real Clear Politics.

Friendly concerns

According to a story in The New York Times, many friends of Joe Biden are worried that he might actually decide to run and, if he does, that it could be a major misstep.

Opening mail

Bad news for Hillary Clinton. The Washington Post writes that the FBI is now looking into the security of her private email setup.

Fighting ISIS

David Ignatius writes in The Washington Post that a strategy has finally formed to combat ISIS in Syria that involves a rare alignment among the United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.


Photo credit: Charlotte Cooper, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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