Wiretap: Hillary Clinton’s email controversy worsens

Virus detected

The latest from the Hillary Clinton email front (none of it good for Clinton): Bloomberg reports that the FBI has recovered many of the deleted emails from Clinton’s private server. The Washington Post reports that the State Department has a different version than Clinton on the nature of its request for emails.

Slow decisions

It took Clinton a long time — a long, long time – to make a decision on the Keystone pipeline — she’s against – but at least she beat the White House. Via The Atlantic.

Trump returns

Donald Trump is back to his Trumpian self on Colbert, says Time, but many Republicans are worried about how the shrill rhetoric from the primary campaign is going to play in November 2016, via The Washington Post.

New breed

Bernie Sanders is not your grandfather’s socialist. Eugene Debs and Big Bill Haywood went to prison. Sanders is plotting his way to the Democratic convention. Via Liberty Law.

Racism’s home

Ben Carson’s take on Islam finds its audience in the conservative media, which jumps to his defense. Via The Washington Post.

Market share

And then there’s this: The market for Ben Carson’s exonerating brand of racism. Via The New Yorker.

Crystal ball

The law professor who predicted the software fraud that now defines Volkswagen. Via The New York Times.

Religious liberty

This is religious liberty: Fifty years after Sandy Koufax refused to pitch on Yom Kippur, a Jewish reporter — who was 9 at the time – says he will work on the holiday in order to cover the pope. Via The Los Angeles Times.


Photo credit: Joe the Goat Farmer, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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