Wiretap: Bernie Sanders won’t back down

Hanging on

The New York Times is reporting that Bernie Sanders and his campaign are unworried about the prospect of hurting Hillary Clinton’s chances in November and intend to stay aggressive in the race against her until the finish.

Middle road

Andrew Prokop writes in Vox that he doesn’t believe Sanders is out to destroy the Democratic Party and that he will strongly support Clinton once he’s mathematically eliminated.

Winning chances

For those who think Trump doesn’t have much of a chance in November, there’s a new Fox News poll out that shows Trump beating Clinton by three points and losing to Sanders by only four. Yes, it’s six months out, and, yes, this is just one poll, but Trump’s numbers have jumped significantly since the last Fox poll. Via The Washington Post.

Trump towers

Trump isn’t just winning the GOP nomination for president, but, according to financial disclosure forms, his businesses are booming even as he runs. Via The Washington Post.

Rape accusations

Meanwhile, Trump was on Hannity calling Bill Clinton a rapist. Via New York Magazine.

Like Obama

Jamelle Bouie: The almost hilarious thing about this election is that Donald Trump is actually everything that Barack Obama’s right-wing critics accused him of being. Via Slate.

American beauty

George Will: America, this Bud’s for you. Via The Washington Post.

Equal opportunity

Facebook plays host to a group of conservative pundits and politicians in order to try to mend fences. It’s business, after all. Via The New York Times.

Kangaroo confirmation

Democratic senators hold a confirmation hearing on Merrick Garland that wasn’t a confirmation hearing, but sort of seemed like one. Via Politico.


Photo credit: DonkeyHotey, Creative Commons, Flickr

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