Another Roan Plateau Deadline Extended

The Bureau of Land Management has expanded the comment period for another two weeks concerning the 21,000 acres on top of the Roan Plateau identified as proposed areas of critical environmental concerns (ACEC).As noted in a previous Colorado Confidential post, the BLM was not allowing any input via the Internet or fax. Only mailed or hand delivered letters were being accepted.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThose limitations sparked a complaint from the SaveRoanPlateau group, which influenced the BLM’s decision to change its stance. Now, electronic comments on the Roan ACEC can be made for an additional 14 days, according to the Glenwood Springs Field Manager Jamie Connell. Mailed letters can be sent to the Bureau of Land Management, Glenwood Springs Field Office, 50629 Highway 6, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601.

Photo of the base of the Roan Plateau by Ecoflight