Karma Dull vs Barf Sob Chef

Props to the irreverent Newspeakblog.com for recently giving props to Colorado Confidential’s story about Focus on the Family’s peculiar Pray For Election Day Red Dot campaign. And further props to them for spotting out a site that will instantly transform anyone’s name into a stew of anagram possibilities. Like:
Mark Udall = Karma Dull.
Bob Schaffer = Barf Sob Chef
It’s easy! Fun for the whole fam! At Wordsmith.org, you just punch in your name and their computer technology spits out a slew of possibilities.

Take Colorado’s 5th Congressional District, for example, where Republicans Jeff Crank and Bentley Rayburn are taking on freshman Rep. Doug Lamborn.

Or, as the anagram has it, Lamborn’s name can be retooled 2,755 different ways, like these favorites: