Women’s Media Center: Don’t throw us under the bus to pass health reform

The Nelson-Hatch Amendment, which would have barred any health plan purchased even partly with new federal subsidies from covering abortions, may have gone down in a 54-45 Senate vote yesterday, but many of those concerned about women’s health are worried that there was a battle at all.

bus (Flickr, cc;  conner395)
bus (Flickr, cc; conner395)

Rep. Bart Stupak’s (D-Michigan) defense of his recently-passed Stupak Amendment, published in the New York Times on Tuesday, further suggests that the health reform battle over women’s reproductive rights is far from over.

So today, the Women’s Media Center launched the site “Not Under the Bus.” The title references the argument that it’s not okay for politicians to throw women under the bus in order to get health care reform passed.

From the video on the homepage:

Jehmu Greene:  Hi, I’m Jehmu Greene, president of the Women’s Media Center, and I’m concerned that our politicians have thrown women under the bus.

Jane Fonda (founder, Women’s Media Center): In the current battle over health care reform, politicians don’t seem to care that the health and well-being of millions of women are at risk. But women are the key to health in this country. It’s time to send a message to Washington.

The site also has links to Barbara Boxer’s petition against the Stupak Amendment, an opportunity to  volunteer for a “Stop Stupak” phone bank, and videos on the issue.

Watch the homepage video:


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