Tancredo and Boyles rail against the conquering mutliculturalist mindset

Former Congressman and anti-illegal immigrant firebrand Tom Tancredo in a radio-show conversation with conservative Colorado talky Peter Boyles Thursday said that multicuturalism is not really about celebrating U.S. cultural diversity. He said multicultural advocates go overboard, from celebrating difference to demeaning mainstream national U.S. culture.

“Their point is that we can not have our culture. In order to express our… commitment to the idea of diversity, we not only have to say everything about you is just fine, we have to say, It’s better,” he said.

Tancredo talked in dark tones about a battle being waged, a form of religious war between the multiculturalists and people like Tancredo and Boyles.

Tom 'Tank' Tancredo
Tom 'Tank' Tancredo

The two men were set onto the topic after reviewing news of proposed edits to school textbooks in Texas, where certain holidays and historical figures would be replaced.

Tancredo said the move in Texas was more evidence of the power of the devotion of the adherents to what he refers to as the “cult” of multiculturalism. He said the cult was “winning” and that, even though it was all a fraud, like he believed global warming is a fraud, they would “win” because they were as devoted to these beliefs as Tancredo and Boyles were dedicated to their Catholic religious faith.

TANCREDO: You know Peter, we have seen it happen. It is one of those things where you say Where did it come from? Where is the push for this? But you have to– it is like the environmental movement: You can have all of the evidence in the world now pointing to the fact that this global warming things is a —

BOYLES: It’s a fraud.

TANCREDO: Fraud. It doesn’t matter. They are committed to it, the same way that we are committed to our religion. “It isn’t simply the feeling about the importance of having diversity in your society and saying: ‘Yes, people are from other societies. We should understand and appreciate that,'” Tancredo said. “All that is insignificant to them.

Tancredo said that “they” the multiculturalists, didn’t see anything of value in “our” culture, by which he meant the culture of Boyles and Tancredo, presumably white American non ethnic culture.

“We don’t have anything of value,” he said. “We can’t ask you to accept anything that we have, including [our English] language, including a language! And they win because they are devoted to it.”

In a talk about Thanksgiving, Tancredo argued that Native Americans should have treated the Pilgrims the same way he has treated illegal immigrants. They should have guarded against the European settlers in order to save their own culture, he said.

The United States is, of course, an immigrant culture from its origins. The CIA World Fact Book lists no official U.S. language. Roughly 82 percent of the population speaks English. Roughly 10 percent speaks Spanish, roughly 4 percent speak Indo European languages and 3 percent speak Asian and Pacific Island languages.

BOYLES: Why would text book publishers take these people out of their pages?

TANCREDO: Well, it is a devotion to the concept of multiculturalism. To what I call the cult of multiculturalism. You know Peter, we have seen it happen. It is one of those things where you say Where did it come from? Where is the push for this? But you have to– it is like the environmental movement. You can have all of the evidence in the world now pointing to the fact that this global warming things is a —

BOYLES: It’s a fraud.

TANCREDO: Fraud. It doesn’t matter. They are committed to it, the same way that we are committed to our religion– although people will attack our religion. Things may happen to make you embarrassed by our religion– the Catholic priest in your neighborhood maybe– but you are not going to… You are committed. You are a Catholic. I am not picking on Catholics.

BOYLES: I know what you are saying.

TANCREDO: You are an environmentalist. You are a globalist. It is like a religion and you will push it regardless of anybody else. And it shows you the power of a group of committed people in a society like ours because most people aren’t watching. But you are doing it every single day of your life. You are committed to it and there is a group that surrounds you. And it is large enough to affect the outcome. That is how it happens. It’s a philosophy. And attached to that philosophy are people who are devoted to it as you can possibly imagine and that is why I call it the cult. It is the cult of multiculturalism.

It isn’t simply the feeling about the importance of having diversity in your society and saying “Yes, people are from other societies. We should understand and appreciate.” All that is insignificant to them. Their point is that we can not have our culture. In order to express our desire, I mean our commitment to the idea of diversity, we not only have to say our culture, everything about you is just fine, you have to say, “It’s better.”

BOYLES: Oh, yeah.

TANCREDO: Better than ours. We don’t have anything of value. We can’t ask you to accept anything that we have, including a language, including a language. And they win because they are devoted to it.

BOYLES: Well, they also seize the so called moral high ground. They make claims about themselves And then they jacket anyone who stands against them as a racist, a nazi, a xenophobe.

TANCREDO: Oh, Jesus.

BOYLES: But that is the game.

TANCREDO: Of course it is.

BOYLES: And that is the game that is played in the Denver Post. That’s the game that is played in the State House, the Congress. It is played in the media. It is played in education. It is played in sports. It is played everywhere. Our own governor of course has tapped out but now there is David Patterson in New York who happens to be black and by the way doesn’t have his vision. He is blind.

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