Tancredo headed to World Net Daily ‘birther’ conference

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo is scheduled to speak at a conference organized by right-wing site World Net Daily and featuring a who’s who lineup of so-called birther leaders and fellow travelers– people like hit-man author Jerome Corsi as well as Michele Bachmann, Aaron Klein, Joseph Farah and Alan Keyes. Of the fifteen scheduled speakers, at least nine have publicly expressed doubts that the president of the United States is a native-born American. They believe he was born abroad and so is ineligible for the presidency and has worked to cover up that fact. The conference appears to be about taking America back from Obama, the usurper, and his millions of liberal supporters.

The Taking America Back conference is scheduled to take place in Miami in September.

Americans have a choice to make, is the general idea. Voters must choose between “the world of standards and morality, self-government and accountability to God” on the one hand or on the other “the world of tyranny and ever-changing moral codes enforced by government.”

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian, author of the essay “Why I care about the Obama eligibility issue,” is scheduled to speak as is World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah. The latter has been a major source in pushing the birther argument and extensively plugged Corsi’s book, Obama Nation, which questions the legality of the Obama presidency.

Other Farah employees sheduled to speak at the conference include Floyd Brown, who says there’s no proof Obama was born in the the country, and Aaron Klein, who has also written a book questioning the legitimacy of the Obama presidency.

Also invited is Gary DeMar, president of religious right group American Vision. DeMar believes there are questions about Obama’s birth that need clearing up but “even more important,” he has written, is “for [the president] to demonstrate his constitutional loyalty to a nation built on Christian principles.”

Perennial senate and presidential candidate Alan Keyes refuses to refer to Obama as “president” and has filed a suit to gain access to Obama’s birth certificate.

Tancredo made waves among the birther movement and its detractors months ago when he flippantly said we could “Send Obama back to Kenya.”

Only one speaker on the list, Ann Coulter, has gone on record dismissing birtherism. She called the movement’s proponents “cranks”. It may be a long conference for Coulter.

[Original version reported and written by Andy Birkey at the Minnesota Independent.]

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