Koch Industries buys up anti-Koch internet addresses - The Colorado Independent
In the eyes of the American public, Wichita-based Koch Industries is coming to stand more for right-wing string-pulling than for its blockbuster oil and gas business. For years, David and Charles Koch spent millions mostly behind the scenes to advance anti-environmental and anti-labor policies and to attack Democratic candidates for office. In the last two years, however, their expenditures have routinely made news. In the wake of the high-profile standoff in Wisconsin-- where Gov Scott Walker was caught explaining to a prank caller impersonating David Koch his plans to break public employee unions-- Koch Industries has dedicated time and money to mitigate fallout from the politics of the men in charge. The company's website includes an op-ed and a video defending Koch politics. Today comes news that the company has been buying up anti-Koch web addresses as part of its new brand-management strategy.
John Tomasic