McCain robocall: Obama’s a big-spending Democrat

Just four days before the election, Republican presidential nominee John McCain’s campaign hits Colorado telephones with a new robocall that sounds almost sweet in comparison to earlier McCain calls that linked Barack Obama to domestic terrorism and questioned his patriotism. The robocall, paid for by McCain-Palin and the Republican National Committee, warns voters that the Democratic candidate’s promise of change rings hollow because the Chicago politician is — well, a politician.

Here’s the call, with audio from Politico’s Jonathan Martin:

And here’s what the caller says:

“Hello, I’m calling for John McCain and the RNC, because, while Barack Obama talks a lot about change, he has directed over $30 million to friends and cronies, requested almost a billion dollars for political pet projects, and has voted with his party line an incredible 97 percent of the time. Barack Obama doesn’t have the judgment to bring about the kind of change we can be proud of.”

The calls have also been reported in other swing states.

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