Things are tough all over, unless you’re a snitch in Vail

Colorado’s unemployment rate might be at a 20-year high, but the sheriff’s department in posh Eagle County is hiring people “who hang out with crooks,” The Denver Post’s Kirk Mitchell notices. “Drug use and criminal record”? No problem, according to a help-wanted ad placed last week in the Vail Daily seeking stool pigeons in the ski community.

The job, classified as “part time” and “entry level,” comes with a catch: “Must be willing to work odd hours.” But that’s unlikely to dissuade your out-of-work or underemployed tattletale, especially with the jobless rate reaching 7.2 percent in February. (Bright spot: Government jobs, which could conceivably include this one, rose by 11,800 in Colorado last month, according to the Denver Business Journal.)

Eagle County Sheriff Joe Hoy got the idea from Albuquerque police, Mitchell reports, and has already received more than a dozen calls from interested canaries. The pay isn’t bad — from $100 to $1,000 per squeal — but resort snitches will have to work hard for the money. “Just saying ‘Joe Blow’ is a drug dealer is not enough,” sheriff’s Lt. Mike McWilliam told the Post.

Here’s the ad, which was placed in the Vail newspaper through

WANTED: People who hang out with crooks to do part time work for the Eagle County Sheriffs Office. Make some extra cash! Drug use and criminal record OK. Must be willing to work odd hours. Give us a call and we can work out the details. Confidentiality GUARANTEED!!! Leave a message with a good phone number and your call will be returned. (970) 274-9648.

And in Spanish:

Se busca: Personas que se junten con ladrones para trabajar medio tiempo para La Oficina de Sheriff. A.Haga dinero extra! Uso de droga y antecedentes penales No es problema. Debe estar dispuesto a trabajar diferentes horas. DA(c)nos una llamada y podemos trabajar los detalles. A.La confidencialidad es GARANTIZADA!!! Deje mensaje con un nAmero de telA(c)fono bueno y su llamada serA. devuelta. 970-274-9648

Calls to the stoolie line reached a voice mail system and were not returned over the weekend.

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