Western Tradition attacks 98-year-old corporate campaign spending ban

The conservative Astroturf group that spent thousands to swing the Longmont City Council back to the right last November and keep the Garfield County commissioner board in the oil and gas camp in 2008 has filed a lawsuit in Montana to overturn that state’s 98-year-old ban on corporate spending on political campaigns.

Western Tradition Partnership, a political committee with its tendrils in controversial issues in both Colorado and Montana, filed a suit Monday in Helena District Court in conjunction with a Bozeman painting company seeking to align Montana’s state laws with January’s controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision on corporate spending in political campaigns, according to the Missoulian newspaper.

According to the report, both Western Tradition Partnership and Champion Painting want the law overturned so they can spend corporate funds to campaign in the June and November Montana elections on ballot issues and candidate platforms.

“Our Republican and Democratic process is only healthy when all sides can speak freely,” Donny Ferguson, Western Tradition Partnership’s spokesman, told the paper. “One side of the argument, namely government officials, should not have a legally enforced monopoly on speech.”

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