Stewart on GOP pledges and promises

Last night Jon Stewart reviewed the GOP “Pledge to America,” a kind of motivational speaker-style presentation that the GOP is passing out to Americans this fall. The “Pledge” features boilerplate language about small government and traditional values and liberty and freedom. It recalls the “Contract with America” drawn up by Republicans and fronted by Newt Gingrich in the Clinton years that was also full of boilerplate language about small government and traditional values and liberty and freedom. It was also a contract the GOP never kept. There was out-of-control spending and extravagant international state-building ventures and vast unconstitutional domestic snooping programs and extra marital affairs and so on. Yet Stewart has found a promise in the new Pledge that he believes the Republican authors can keep.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Postcards From the Pledge
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The content of the 1990s Contract with America was poll tested before Republican leaders brought it out. Only the sections that scored a favorability rating of 60 percent or higher made it into the published version. Has the Pledge been similarly poll tested?

Stewart gets paid to mock this kind of thing. Question is, Do members of the Tea Party take any of this latest mainstream Republican posturing seriously?

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