The prodigal son may be returning to the big tent, but no word yet on how welcome he will be.
The Associated Press reported yesterday that Tancredo will rejoin the Republican Party this week.
From the Grand Junction Sentinel:
Former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo, who quit the party last year to run as a third-party candidate for Colorado governor, is headed back to the GOP.
Tancredo said he is coming back to the Republican Party “because they’re the only game in town.” He told The Associated Press he plans to rejoin the party this week.
Tancredo said his decision to join the American Constitution Party was “opportunistic,” but he and the party had an understanding that he would not stay with the party.
GOP state chairman Dick Wadhams, who clashed publicly with Tancredo over criticism of the Republican Party, said everyone is welcome to join the Colorado GOP. He refused to say whether he thought Tancredo would be welcomed.
You may think Tancredo had disappeared, but no, he’s been gabbing on the radio, writing opinion pieces–most recently on the Arizona shootings–and has just come out with a book.
The book, “In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America’s Border and Security”, seems to be available primarily from the man himself.
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