Yet another poll says majority of Americans support gay marriage

(image: Alan Light, Flickr)

A poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute on Thursday confirmed what several other national pollsters have found: A majority of Americans now support marriage rights for same-sex couples. The poll found that 51 percent of Americans supported legalizing gay marriage compared to 43 who opposed legalization.

The poll also showed that the level of “strong” support for gay marriage is equal to the level of “strong” opposition. Twenty-four percent said they strongly felt that gay marriage should be legal while 25 percent said they strongly opposed the idea.

The poll also found that there wasn’t much difference in age groups. Respondents who were between 18 and 34 years old favored gay marriage at 61 percent, while among 35 to 49 year olds, that support was 57 percent.

In addition to gay marriage, the poll found that 56 percent of Americans support the right of same-sex couples to adopt children. Only 36 percent opposed the idea.

The PPRI poll mirrors similar findings by CNN in April that found 51 percent of Americans supporting gay marriage and 44 percent opposed. A Washington Post poll in March found that 53 percent supported gay marriage and 44 percent opposed it.


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