Wiretap: Trickle down failed Black Friday

The Black Friday numbers were not great. This says a lot about the state of the economy. But it says even more about the need to raise the minimum wage. John Cassidy writes in the New Yorker about when Henry Ford paid his workers enough so that they could afford to buy Fords. Why doesn’t Walmart want workers to be paid enough to afford to go to Walmart on Black Friday?

Too many Americans are too poor to spur economic growth. Via the New Yorker.

Ron Fournier says Obama needs to fire somebody — maybe a lot of somebodies. Via National Journal.

Robert Kuttner says Obamacare should have been better. Via Huffington Post.

The war on Christmas is back. Of course it is. Via Buzzfeed.

The Atlantic asks if you’re smart enough to be a citizen. Quiz to follow.

Thanks for killing the planet, boomers. Via Salon.

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