Wiretap: Fighting and infighting over ISIS in Syria

Photo by Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr/Creative Commons.

The Daily Beast explains why Barack Obama’s we-have-no-strategy line means that there is no strategy yet on what to do about ISIS in Syria. Obama’s problem: Striking Assad would help ISIS; striking ISIS would help Assad.

Who will take care of our parents? You know the answer. Mostly women. And mostly poor women, at that. Via the National Journal.

Deliberating bodies: The U.S. Senate, where they like their girls chubby. Via the New Yorker.

Everything you didn’t want to know about the failure of campaign finance reform, in one scary chart. Via the Washington Post.

Karl Rove’s latest ads: Taking on Democrats who supported the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles. Via the Wall Street Journal.

You might have guessed this before, but Nicholas Kristof has actually taken the test, and it seems that most of us really are at least a little bit racist. Via the New York Times.

Finally facing the truth: White on white murder in America is out of control. Via Vox.

[Photo by Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr/Creative Commons.]

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