The Durango Herald delivered a strong Sunday Paper endorsement of Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Udall in his race against Republican Congressman Cory Gardner. “In actually looking at the candidates, the choice is clear. Udall should be re-elected. Gardner may accurately reflect the thinking of his party, or at least of its big donors and activist base, but Udall far better represents Colorado as a whole.”
“Slots for tots” — voters this November will decide whether to expand gambling at Arapahoe Park horse racing track to raise money to fund public K-12 education. Casino owners would prefer not, but public education advocates are desperate for any revenue they can raise. Other public education advocates, like the PTA and the Colorado Association of School Boards, say it distracts from more stable, reliable funding sources. Via the Durango Herald.
Former U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar turned up to stump for Mark Udall at a local campaign headquarters. He lauded Udall’s efforts on water conservation in the West, especially his action to protect water in the Arkansas River. Salazar’s was preaching to a choir of Dems. Via the Pueblo Chieftain.
A handful of dedicated runners showed up to run the cancelled Boulder marathon this weekend. The race was called off two weeks ago when its organizer blamed the cancellation on year-old flood damage. Law enforcement revealed he actually hadn’t secured the necessary permits. “I trained too long not to do this thing,” was the sentiment among the runners. Via the Daily Camera.
[ Compiled with John Tomasic ]