The Ebola death in Dallas of Thomas Eric Duncan reminds us, writes Amy Davidson in the New Yorker, that we can’t deal with the virus simply by Tweeting pictures of quarantined dogs in Spain while looking to shut airports and banish images of Africa. Davidson writes further: “There’s another set of scenes, the ones that we have been looking away from for months, in West Africa, where children orphaned by Ebola are fending for themselves. In Sierra Leone, gravediggers have gone on strike; it’s dangerous work, and they say that they haven’t been paid.”
How Spain handled – or mishandled — an Ebola case in one terrifying paragraph. Via Vox.
In the latest national-media piece on the Udall-Gardner Senate race, Joshua Green writes in Bloomberg that the battle for Colorado is a preview of the 2016 battle for America.
Why is the Supreme Court still issuing stays in same-sex marriage? Idaho gets its emergency stay from Justice Anthony Kennedy two days after the Supreme Court refused to hear appeals from five states. Via the Atlantic.
In Slate, John Dickerson writes that fundraising emails symbolize everything that’s wrong with American politics. Actually, they’re worse than that.
Jonathan Alter: The Leon Panetta book, “Worthy Fights,” exposes Obama as professor in chief. Via the Daily Beast.
Dan Balz asks in the Washington Post whether the president will listen to Panetta’s advice.
Gail Collins offers rules to vote by, such as whether you should vote for a guy who plagiarizes from a foreign leader who had citizens beaten with canes for vandalism. Via the New York Times.