Wiretap: When to lift sanctions on Iran

Shaking hands

“Madam Secretary” and the real Iran deal: Getting to compliance by June 30 will be the really hard stuff. The hardest part may be in deciding when sanctions would be lifted – when the deal is signed or when Iran is shown to be in compliance. The compromise deal, writes Robin Wright in The New Yorker, may well mean both.

Falling down

In the Senate’s GOP standoff on Iran, it looks like the rebels – that means you, Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio – are losing. Via The National Journal.

Sky high

Ben Carson is in the presidential race. Man, is he ever. Dana Milbank describes his over-the-top announcement, set to music. Via The Washington Post.

Speaking out

Whatever else you say about the attack in Garland, Tex., writes Max Fisher in Vox, don’t call Pam Geller’s hateful Muhammad Art Exhibit a “free speech event.”

Bold colors

As Obama gets nearer the end of his presidency, he finds a bolder voice on matters of race. Via The New York Times.

Too much

How much force should cops use and when? In the face of the recent deaths, some police forces are starting to reconsider the matter. Via The New York Times.

Plane facts

Is it time for a no-fly zone over Northern Syria? Jamie Dettmer writes in The Daily Beast that it’s past time.


Photo Credit: Marjolein Katsma, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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