Wiretap: Greece celebrates ‘no’ on austerity amid shuttered banks, broke economy

Still broke

Greece’s “Oxi” vote against austerity was more political than economic. After the historic “no” vote and the celebration that followed, Greece is still broke and the banks are still closed. Via The New Yorker.

Next steps

Paul Krugman: Greece dodged a bullet. But that was the easy part. The question now is what should Greece do next, and the answer seems to depend on what Europe does next. Via The New York Times.

Europe’s Crossroads

Neil Irwin asks the question the other way. What should Europe do now? Should it hold firm, meaning Greece will probably have to leave the eurozone, or should it give in, sending a signal to other countries on how not to pay their debt? Via The New York Times.

New dangers

If the U.S. and Iran agree to a nuclear deal, can we really trust how Iran is going to spend that influx of new money? What of the danger that a non-nuclear Iran would even further destabilize the region? Via The Wall Street Journal.

New chapter

If Iran agrees to the deal, does that mean a new chapter of public trust of the West and the Great Satan? Ian Black writes in The Guardian that many in Tehran are ready for that next chapter, hoping that the economy and the political system would be transformed.

Invading Texas

The Americans are coming! The Americans are coming! How some Texans have come to believe that the U.S. Army is actually an invasion force and coming to attack them. Yes, they actually do. Via The Washington Post.

Pulling a Romney

Why Jeb Bush paid his full share of taxes. He knew better than to pull a Romney even before we learned that Romney had pulled a Romney. Via The National Journal.

Misplaced fears

Linda Greenhouse writes that the politics of fear have returned as the GOP takes on the Supreme Court decisions. But what should people be afraid of – that two gay people who live down the block are getting married? Via The New York Times.

Moving letter

Ta-Nehisi Coates: “A letter to my son.” It’s long. It’s painful. It just might tear your heart out. And yet, it must be read. Via The Atlantic.


Photo credit: Desbyrnephotos, Creative Commons, Flickr

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