I can’t breathe
Nearly a year after Eric Garner died at the hands of an NYPD officer, the city settled with his family for $5.9 million. It’s a big step, but a federal investigation and the Black Lives Matter movement continue. Via The New York Times.
Money where her mouth is
Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric builds her up to be more of a “paleoliberal” than either Obama or her husband. Vox’s Matthew Yglesias gets into what that means and why the left isn’t buying it.
Walker’s blues
Scott Walker put out an official campaign kickoff video on Monday that reminds viewers he’s a “fighter” with a winning track-record in a blue state. In The National Journal, Josh Kraushaar points out a caveat: All of those victories were in low-turnout, off-year cycles. A general election is a different ball game.
Last stand?
After a 17-hour diplomatic marathon with European creditors, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras returned home with the unenviable task of getting stiff austerity measures passed in the Parliament. For a leader already on thin ice, Anthony Faioloa wonders whether this capitulation could be his last. Via The Washington Post.
Fade to gold
California passed a law Monday preventing cities and counties from fining residents who violate lawn-maintenance ordinances during times of drought. The state barred homeowners’ associations from charging for unwatered lawns last year. Via The Los Angeles Times.
Left in the dust
Bernie Sanders is using a dirty word in Washington politics: “redistribution.” Jim Tankerslay of The New York Times dissects what Sanders is saying that other major candidates won’t touch.
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