Wiretap: Roanoke mayor opposes Syrian refugees, citing Japanese internment camps

History lessons

The Roanoke mayor invokes the Japanese internment program to justify his opposition to admitting Syrian refugees. George Takei, Star Trek actor turned Internet celebrity, has the perfect response. Via Vox.

Many reasons

How did so many, including those in the Obama administration and intelligence community, miss the threat of ISIS? The New York Times reports there was no single missed key, but, rather, many strands of blame.

Hurry up

French president will encourage Obama to speed up fight against ISIS. Via The Guardian.

Sneaking in?

Can Syrian terrorists really infiltrate the American refugee program? Not if the past is any indication. Via The Atlantic.

Bomb ’em

The Donald will soon be up in early primary states with a radio ad in which he promises to “bomb the hell” out of ISIS. Via The Washington Post.

Global warming

In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, why a climate deal could be the best hope for peace. Via The New Yorker.

Spy machine

The Koch Intelligence Agency: Politico reports that the brothers run a secretive operation that “conducts surveillance and intelligence gathering on its liberal opponents.”

Overblown panic

The experts think the panic over Carson and Trump by the media and Republican insiders is overblown. Read Stu Rothenberg for why that’s so. Via Roll Call.

Big winner

Ta-Nehisi Coates wins the National Book Award for “Between the World and Me,” his searing book on race, framed as a letter to his son. Via The New York Times.

Photo credit: OSU Special Collections and Archives, Creative Commons, Flickr

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