Primary season is upon us. Here’s how you participate in Colorado.


Today, voters across snowy Iowa will gather in neighborhood caucus meetings to help pick the nation’s next president.

Then, onward to New Hampshire, where flinty Granite State voters will cast ballots in the nation’s first primary contest on Feb. 9.

And then it’s down into Dixie where the remaining candidates who haven’t dropped out will crisscross South Carolina’s barbecue joints from the mountains of the Upstate to the Lowcountry coast, wooing voters who don’t register by party to vote for them on Feb. 20.

After that it’s the next big one— and we’re involved. Super Tuesday, on March 1, is when registered voters in a dozen states, including Colorado, participate in elections to help decide who should lead the country.

So, how does the voting system work in Colorado? Is it a primary like New Hampshire or a caucus like Iowa? (Spoiler: it’s a caucus.) Can unaffiliated voters participate or do you have to be a registered Democrat or Republican? Will both parties help choose a president this year, or just one in Colorado? And will somebody actually win on March 1, and will Colorado voters be important?

Thankfully, we’ve got those answers in two pieces explaining how it all works, and how you can get involved.

Click here for your breakdown of the Colorado Democratic caucuses. And Click here for the Republican caucuses.


Photo credit: Phil Roeder, Creative Commons, Flickr