Wiretap: Is the Sanders-Clinton race back on?

Catching up?

Bernie sweeps on Saturday, including a big win in a biggish state. Is the race back on? Via The Atlantic.

History lesson

A prominent lefty explains why Bernie Sanders was right to run as a Democrat. You’ll never guess who. (Hint: Think Bush v. Gore.) Via The Washington Post.

Foreign policy

In an interview with the New York Times that lasted nearly two hours, Donald Trump explained his views on foreign policy. The Times summed it up this way: America comes first, and everyone else pays (and not just Mexico for the wall).

Read this

Here’s the transcript. It’s worth the read.

Email trouble

Everything you wanted to know about the Clinton email scandal (or snafu, or whatever) and more, via The Washington Post. It began during Clinton’s first days as Secretary of State when she wanted to keep using her personal Blackberry but they wouldn’t let her take it to her office on Mahogany Row. One hundred and forty-seven FBI agents later …

Crude politics

Naked lady politics: Or how GOP presidential candidates went from arguing about whose private parts were bigger to whose wife was hotter. Via The New York Times.

Third party

The conservative argument for a third-party run if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination: There are worse things than defeat. Via The National Review.

Ugly Cruz

David Brooks: I have spent the last week so repulsed by Donald Trump. I had forgotten how ugly Ted Cruz could be. Via PBS.

Winning strategy

How does Trump keep winning? Do the math with Nate Cohn at Upshot. It’s apparently all about the blue states. Via The New York Times.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr

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