Go big
It looks like California is volunteering to become a statewide laboratory on minimum-wage economics. A deal has been made to raise the wage to $15 by 2022 — it’s $10 now — and no one is certain what happens next. Via The Washington Post.
Shattered lives
In Pakistan, after the terrorist bombing, lives are “shattered into pieces.” At least 72 are dead and 341 injured. Via The New York Times.
Culture wars
North Carolina and the gay rights backlash: In case you were wondering, the fight isn’t over yet. Via The New Yorker.
Craven capitulation?
Gov. Nathan Deal vetoes Georgia’s anti-gay-rights bill. And you can guess how that goes down in certain Republican quarters. In The National Review, they call it “craven capitulation.”
Panic mode
As Donald Trump gets ever closer to the GOP nomination, the Republican establishment gets ever closer to panic. Could Republicans lose the Senate? Maybe. Could Republicans lose the House? Unthinkable. But maybe. Via The New York Times.
Going nuclear
If you’re surprised to read that Trump thinks Japan and South Korea should become nuclear powers, just imagine how they feel about it there. Try bewilderment. Via The Washington Post.
Backing out?
Suddenly Cruz and Kasich aren’t so certain they’d back Trump if he wins the nomination. They’re not saying they wouldn’t, but they’re no longer saying they definitely would. Via Real Clear Politics.
Honest Hill
Jill Abramson, writing for The Guardian, writes that despite what you may have heard, Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest. She does have some other problems, though.
Math problem
The Sanders team says they have solved the complicated math problem of their delegate deficit. They’re not quite ready, however, to show their work. Via Politico.
Photo credit: Eric Garcetti, Creative Commons, Flickr.
At such an extreme hike…. you’ll now see layoffs, reduced hours, cut staff, a dramatic decrease in hiring, and some businesses will even be forced to close up shop.
Extreme increases or decreases of the minimum wage will always come with dramatic blow back. The Obama administration and media will no doubt attempt to spin this and cover up all the damage…. telling us all how wonderful it’s working.
Outside of a few simple regulations and balancing mechanisms it’s usually best to let the free market manage itself, sloshing around like a great ocean balancing itself out.
Crony capitalism is definitely a problem that our legislators and regulators have failed to properly address. Because most of them are greased themselves. This is why it’s imperative to basically fire everyone in WA DC and start over.