Thank you to the loyal readers and supporters of The Colorado Independent (2013-2020). The Indy has merged with the new nonprofit Colorado News Collaborative (COLab) on a new mission to strengthen local news in Colorado. We hope you will join us!
Historically, despite whatever bluster they may exhibit beforehand, suoerdelagates follow the majority of the pledged delgates. Because, you know, anything else would essentially be a smack in the face to the party’s base. Don’t expect anything different this year, no matter the rhetoric. Dems do not want a fractured party.
Hopefully at the Philly convention. Philly should make the 1968 disaster look like a prayer meeting.
Historically, despite whatever bluster they may exhibit beforehand, suoerdelagates follow the majority of the pledged delgates. Because, you know, anything else would essentially be a smack in the face to the party’s base. Don’t expect anything different this year, no matter the rhetoric. Dems do not want a fractured party.
Hopefully at the Philly convention. Philly should make the 1968 disaster look like a prayer meeting.