Wiretap: A hospital forbids a doctor from publicly defending abortion. She files a civil rights complaint.

Gag order

A Washington doctor, who charged that her hospital has violated her rights by forbidding her to speak publicly in defense of abortions after the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood killings, has filed a civil rights complaint. The question: Was it a gag order or a reasonable precaution against anti-abortion violence? Via The New York Times

Winning Indiana

Remember when Ted Cruz was saying that winning Indiana was critical in stopping Donald Trump? He’s not saying that anymore after two recent polls show Trump winning by double digits. Here’s what Trump says: “If we win Indiana, it’s over. They’re gone.” Via The Washington Post.

Trump international

Donald Trump is not simply an American phenomenon. Europe has Trumpists wherever you look. Via The New Yorker.

Danger game

The Republican establishment can’t decide who is the bigger threat — Trump or Cruz. Via The New York Times.

Hard hitters

In a Clinton-Trump matchup, don’t expect Clinton to be the counter-puncher, Peter Beinart writes in The Atlantic. He says you can expect her to hit first and to hit hard.

Rat race

Or to put it another way: If you judge by the numbers, Clinton will be the most disliked nominee ever — except for Donald Trump. And it’s not even close. Via Vox.

Fueling the right

In The New Republic, they argue how fracking money funds the radical right — and sets the terms of the debate.

Skin game

In The National Review, they argue that the way to solve the student-loan bubble is to make colleges put “skin in the game.”


Photo credit: Charlie Day, Creative Commons, Flickr

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