Keefe: An election made for snark

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Everywhere you go this week, people are grumbling about the circus that has been the 2016 president race. But what depresses most folks, Mike Keefe finds motivating. He’s weird that way. The crazier the twists in the race for the White House, the sharper Keefe’s pencils – and wit.

Colorado’s only Pulitzer-winning political cartoonist has given The Colorado Independent and our readers a year of graphic satire about an election cycle that has inspired a level of snark that, even in these cynical times, is unprecedented. Keefe’s work pushes our most tender buttons. It makes us at once laugh and cringe. It’s that ability to meld the funny with the unfunny that fuels great political commentary – an art that’s dying all too fast.

In our book, Mike is one of the very best still ‘tooning for regular publication. We’re lucky to have him. And, as you’ll see in this slideshow, so are you.


The Colorado Independent is a statewide online news source operating in a time when spin is plentiful, but factual, fair and unflinching news in the public interest is all too rare. Our award-winning team of veteran investigative and explanatory reporters and news columnists aims to amplify the voices of Coloradans whose stories are unheard, shine light on the relationships between people, power and policy, and hold public officials to account. We strive to report the news with context, social conscience, and soul, and to give Coloradans the insight they need to promote conversation, understanding and progress in this square, swing state we call home.