The Coloradoan in Fort Collins reports on the local impact of the state’s minimum wage hike. “Fort Collins’ largest employer, Colorado State University, estimates that the wage hike will impact 6,000 of its employees by 2020. Many of those employees will be students doing work-study jobs at the university.”
A local gathering aimed at curbing fears of immigrants in the aftermath of the Trump election took place in the Glenwood Springs library, reports The Post-Independent. “Glenwood immigration attorney Jennifer Smith said many questions will remain unanswered until Trump and his administration actually take office in January, and whether Trump follows through on his rather nonspecific campaign pledges to deport millions of undocumented immigrants.”
The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel reports a veteran nurse is calming concerns about financial struggles at Community Hospital. “Community President and Chief Executive Officer Chris Thomas told the Sentinel in October that the hospital has struggled with cash flow since completing the new four-story hospital at 2351 G Road in March. To account for that, the hospital ended its home health care program, delayed pay raises, reduced wages for some hourly employees and cut hours for some medical personnel.”
“Boulder County commissioners have decided to proceed with holding a Nov. 30 public hearing about phasing out the growing of genetically engineered crops on county-owned farm land, despite a county advisory panel’s position that more time is needed to flesh out a more detailed transition plan,” reports The Longmont Times-Call.
The Boulder Daily Camera reports some local reservoirs are drawn down for work. “Starting Oct. 27, officials from the Bureau of Reclamation turned off the water diversion tunnel from the West Slope to the Colorado-Big Thompson Project that feeds many of the lakes and reservoirs in Larimer County. The reservoir levels have also been lowered through the release of water to storage downstream.”
“There are 180 Greeley West students enrolled in the High School of Business program, which now offers eight business classes and the opportunity to secure college credit, thanks to accreditation with MBA Research, a nationwide organization that provides resources for programs similar to West’s across the country,” reports The Greeley Tribune.
The Gazette in Colorado Springs takes a look at why El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn lost his Republican bid for U.S. Senate. “Glenn, however, received 12,597 more votes than Donald Trump in Colorado.”
“Trump says he’ll begin deportations immediately,” reads a wire report headline in today’s Durango Herald. ““What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably 2 million, it could be even 3 million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Trump told “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl. “But we’re getting them out of our country. They’re here illegally.”
The Boulder Daily Camera reports how some local acting troupes in Boulder feel shut out of the city’s main theaters even though they helped build them. “The Dairy, at 26th and Walnut streets, includes three theaters, a cinema and visual arts galleries. Beginning with the current season, the center instituted a theater booking policy that gives priority to three companies based on how they scored against a set of criteria, according to Bill Obermeier, the Dairy’s executive director since March 2013.”
The Broncos won, reports The Denver Post.
The Cañon City Daily Record reports a local VFW fundraising drive hauled in $10,000 for homeless vets. “For the fourth consecutive year, volunteers and members of the Penrose VFW Post 2788 and its auxiliary spent the weekend collecting funds from motorists at Steinmeier and U.S. 50 to go toward helping homeless veterans and other similar causes.”
Tommy Chong smoked pot in Denver, reports Denverite.