Denver Council Backs CFO, Punts On Elections

The Denver City Council placed an issue to give Denver a Chief Financial Officer on the ballot (which joins a measure on raising taxes for pre-schools).  But it will wait until next week (the deadline) to consider an amended proposal to reform the Denver Election Commission after deciding not to scrap the effort entirely in a 7-6 vote.

  The proposals are discussed at length in a Colorado Confidential post written prior to the vote.

The amended election commission proposal will keep Election Commission elections at the same time as other city elections, rather than in November, because the current commissioners opposed the idea, fearing that they would be lost in the shuffle in a general election.  Provisions relating to the way “at large” city council elections are conducted was also stripped from the bill. 

The revised language can be found here.  As amended, it clarifies the qualifications and job of the election director, makes election commission employees mostly part of the civil service system, and provides a more clear roadmap for interactions between the commission and the city council, particularly in the budget process.

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