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Comment Policy
The Colorado Independent is first and foremost a news and commentary site, and although we are pleased to have a large and politically diverse audience, we understand that many comment threads can be inhibiting instead of stimulating discussion depending on the tone and nature of comments.
In order to keep our threads on topic and accessible to all people, we ask that the following guidelines be followed:
• Keep comments on topic: We welcome discussion on any of our stories. We do, however, ask that discussion stay on the topic of the post. Posts that do not relate to the topic will be deleted without notice.
• Keep discussions respectful: There are many different viewpoints represented both by the reporters and our audience. Different viewpoints and opinions are welcome, but personal attacks are not. Personal attacks on the writers, other commenters, or other attacks will not be tolerated, and those posts will be deleted without notice.
• No spamming comment threads: Spam will be defined as any repeated comment, as well as any off-topic comment, including commercial spam or comments not advancing the current topic. All comment spam will be deleted without notice.
• Comment threads are meant to continue and discuss the topic in the post. Anything that does not advance the topic may be deleted without notice.