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Tag: Betsy DeVos

College leaders: Colorado’s CARES Act money doesn’t do enough for schools...

Federal assistance meant to lessen the economic blow of COVID-19 on Colorado’s colleges isn’t fully meeting the needs of their neediest students and comes...

Betsy DeVos’s family boosts Gardner’s 2020 campaign Education secretary's in-laws donate...

WASHINGTON -- Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s family members spent $22,400 so far this year to help fund Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner’s re-election campaign,...

Guest post: Small steps could lighten a generation’s crushing student debt

Growing up, my generation had one thing hammered into our heads: to succeed in life, you have to go to college. However, few teenagers,...

Asked again about school staff referring students to ICE, DeVos says...

Pressed to clarify her stance on whether school staff could report undocumented students to immigration authorities, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday avoided giving...

What’s different about this year’s Denver school board election? Betsy DeVos,...

In many ways, the storylines of this year’s Denver school board election feel familiar. Those who embrace the district’s policies, and those who remain...

Here’s what Betsy DeVos had to say in Denver about DACA,...

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s first multi-state school tour of her tenure took her Wednesday to a private Denver autism center, where she encouraged...

Douglas County school board races could be nation’s most watched

The most closely-watched school board election in Colorado this year just may be who wins a crucial fourth seat on the Douglas County Board...

Do vouchers actually expand school choice? Not necessarily — it depends...

Who benefits most from private school voucher programs: families with few options or the schools themselves? This is a hotly debated question among supporters and...

ALEC Day 2: Betsy DeVos says school choice “is good politics...

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos became the first member of the Trump administration to visit Denver, speaking Thursday to a noontime luncheon at...

ALEC in Colorado, Day 1: Protest and policy making

It might not be the smoke-filled rooms of old, where politicians hammered out deals in secret— but that’s only because smoking isn’t allowed in...