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Housing crisis

Denver Police Sgt. Brian Conover speaks with Dorian Phillips on Nov. 14, 2018, during a police sweep of a homeless encampment in Five Points. (Photo by Alex Burness for The Colorado Independent)

Guest Post: Boosterism never boosts the homeless

We used to have a skid row in Denver. It was in the 1400 block of Larimer. There were always derelict-looking men hanging around...
"Homeless," by Parc Cruz, via Flickr: Creative Commons

Guest Post: Fear of homeless people underlies opposition to I-300

Denver Initiative 300, which would end the city's ban on overnight camping in public spaces, has provoked important conversations about governance of and access...
Photo by K Kendall via Flickr:Creative Commons

Guest Post: Denver’s camping ban dehumanizes the very people the city is supposed to...

As former and current Homeless Outreach workers in the city of Denver,  we feel it is important to shed light on our experiences working...

Residents of soon-to-close Aurora mobile home park plead with City Council for help

More than 50 residents facing eviction from a north Aurora mobile home park pleaded with City Council members for help this week, in another...

Tales from inside Colorado’s teacher shortage: housing for horses and recruiters without interviews

The job fair was going well for Stephanie Polutchko and the phrase on her white name tag explained why: “high school science.” Like other prospective...

Guest Post: No right to rest

NOTE: The Colorado Independent occasionally runs guest posts from government officials, local experts and concerned citizens on a variety of topics. These posts are...

Lawmakers seek to give renters more rights when applying for an apartment

Renters looking for a more affordable place to live are spending hundreds of dollars applying for apartments, prompting Democratic lawmakers to set limits on...

Colorado renters to landlord law firm: educate don’t evict

Just after lunch on Sept. 21, a group of about a dozen people, most of them women and most of them renters, gather outside...

The Indy Weekly Podcast, Episode 5: We need to talk about eviction

Tina Griego, our managing editor, recently realized that for all the stories she'd written over the years about affordable housing, gentrification and changing neighborhoods...

First person: I was evicted and it was traumatic as all hell

Jenee Donalson, 31, community organizer/artist/chef, resident of Denver I was given a notice of eviction on Nov. 12, 2012. I didn’t know anything about the...