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Tag: Attack Ads

Tancredo unleashes hounds of hell

American Constitution Party gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo Wednesday unleashed the hounds, first on Democrat John Hickenlooper and then on hapless Republican Dan Maes. First, Tancredo released this video of Marat Kudlis talking about an automobile accident caused by an illegal immigrant in which Kudlis’ son was killed.

GOP targets Markey — and Obama — for vote on ‘national...

As predicted, Republicans are hitting freshman U.S. Rep. Betsy Markey for her vote Friday favoring the sweeping energy bill narrowly passed by the House....

Markey certain target of GOP anti-Clean Energy attack ads

National Republican leaders are likely planning to target Colorado's U.S. Rep. Betsy Markey for her vote Friday in support of the Clean Energy Act. Republicans say the new bill places the environment above people and will cut into the struggling economy. The fact that similar regulatory laws have led to job creation in Colorado in the state's expanding new-energy economy likely won't temper the attacks. Politico reports members of the National Republican Congressional Committee believe vulnerable Congressional freshmen like Markey, who represents the state's conservative 4th District, may have cast "a career-ending vote." The NRCC is orchestrating a campaign against against the officials that will feature TV and radio commercials as well as robocalls.

GOP operative Shires tied to money-laundering gambling ring

The pattern emerging in the weird and sordid business life of Scott Shires points to two possible conclusions: He's cornered the market on shifty...

Taxpayers group in hot water over electioneering snafu

Once again a local political advocacy group headed by GOP operative Scott Shires is the subject of a campaign finance complaint for its involvement in a bitter 2008 Garfield County commissioners race that attracted lots of energy industry dough and carpetbagger activists.

Republicans blast Salazar, Markey with radio ads on stimulus vote

The National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) is finally putting its money where its mouth has been. A round of radio ads targeting 30 Democrats in conservative or swing districts began airing Friday -- among the targets were freshman Rep. Betsy Markey and third-term Rep. John Salazar of Colorado -- who plan to vote in favor of the $790 billion economic stimulus package.

Conservation groups launch Western Slope anti-oil & gas billboard offensive

Even as the EPA eyes loosening air-quality standards for coal-fired power plants near national parks nationwide (including Mesa Verde in the Four Corners area), Colorado’s booming oil and gas industry is taking heat for its own impacts on air and water quality on the Western Slope.

Rove mentor Lee Atwater profiled in PBS documentary

PBS' Frontline chronicles tonight the rise to fame of the late political attack dog Lee Atwater — a close friend of Karl Rove and George W. Bush and Machiavellian figure who trafficked in the ugliest of modern political tactics.

Obama shows us where we’re headed, where we’ve been

Whether you’re Democrat, Republican or Mugwump, you look at Tuesday night’s remarkable election results and the nationwide reaction and can’t help but wonder at how far our young country has come — and, at the same time, how long it’s taken.

Garfield County Dems lament energy-industry influence in local races

John Martin was a cop the last time an energy boom went bust in Garfield County. The Republican county commissioner who was reelected by a scant 350-vote margin Tuesday says those were dark days in the 1980s, and he’s determined not to repeat them.