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Tag: Colorado State University

The US economy likely just entered its longest ever expansion –...

The U.S. economy likely surpassed an important milestone last month: Americans are now experiencing the longest economic expansion in the nation’s history, assuming the...

Class-action suit puts Colorado State University on hook to repay up...

Colorado State University has agreed to pay potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid overtime wages to more than 1,500 current and former...

Colorado’s vaunted oil and gas rules are flawed and inadequately enforced...

Colorado’s much-touted regulations on emissions from oil and gas operations have not kept pace with explosive growth in oil and gas activity, resulting in...

Four seasons: Colorado water in a changing climate Part 1: The...

Editor’s Note: Over the next year, The Colorado Independent will examine, season by season, the effects climate change is having on the state’s water...

This Colorado physicist’s gospel of energy efficiency is taking hold. But...

Amory Lovins recently traveled from his home near Aspen to talk about growing bananas at 7,100 feet in the Colorado Rockies. The house was...

Climate change is shrinking the West’s water supply

Picture a snowflake drifting down from a frigid February sky in western Colorado and settling high in the Rocky Mountains. By mid-April, the alpine...

Rep. Doug Lamborn pushes CSU to halt HIV research over fetal-tissue...

Undercover videos purporting to expose the illegal sale of human fetal tissue surfaced in July, prompting anti-abortion Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn to launch a public...

News Poem: ‘On the rocks’

I said we'd be in the protected bays where the Southern Ocean meets the most southerly continent. She said, oh. I said I thought if I paddled far enough from the ship I might hear icebergs melting. I said, they said we could hear gas escaping from the ice. I said, they said it would sound a bit like a soda can being slowly opened.

Climate-change analysts watching Colorado flood-insurance market

BOULDER, Colo. -- About a month before the floodwaters tore through town, NOAA released its climate-change report.

Colorado’s snow-starved winter raises specter of worst wildfire season in 10...

The prescribed burn that roared out of control, claiming the lives of three nearby residents and scaring hundreds of others is just the beginning of what could be a frighteningly long fire season in Colorado.