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Tag: Lakewood

‘The year of the vote against’

  Rick Kemp sits back on a bench on his porch in an east Lakewood neighborhood. At 65, his health is better than it was...

JeffCo’s House District 23 has first open seat in 14 years

  JeffCo voters in Lakewood's House District 23 will have the chance to choose a new representative for an open seat for the first time...

Feds call off pricey Lakewood immigrant children’s shelter

The federal government has cancelled its plans to convert a large warehouse in Lakewood into a temporary shelter for unaccompanied migrant children from Central...

Colorado judge: Cake baker discriminated against gay couple

  DENVER -- Administrative Law Judge Robert Spencer ruled today that Lakewood baker Jack Phillips discriminated against a gay couple when he refused to bake...

Government in the grocery postponed one week

Congressman Ed Perlmutter has canceled Saturday's government in the grocery meeting, which had been scheduled at the Safeway at the corner of Colfax and Garrison in Lakewood. He plans to hold the meeting one week later.

Denver groups seek to bury illegal immigrant impound initiative

DENVER — A phone bank jammed with more than 30 volunteers was ringing phones off the hook earlier this week, asking residents to vote no on "impound" Initiative 300. "This would force police to do something that will cost us roughly $6 million to implement," said Carolyn Siegel from Coloradans for Safe Communities, a coalition of labor, advocacy and religious groups.

Impound-initiative backer says delay tactics knocked it off Lakewood ballot

LAKEWOOD — The so-called impound initiative will not appear on the ballot when this Denver suburb's residents vote in November. The controversial initiative missed the deadline to be referred to the ballot, and the man behind the initiative, Daniel Hayes, said the cause is legal maneuvering that amounted to delay tactics.

Vehicle-impound initiatives test Colorado ballot system

In the debate surrounding Colorado's famously loose ballot initiative system, the so-called impound initiatives introduced repeatedly in local municipalities over the past three years might serve as a test case. This year, they have been introduced in Denver and two of its suburbs, Aurora and Lakewood. The proposed laws would require police to seize the vehicles of every unlicensed driver they stop. But the initiatives aren't primarily about keeping the roads safe and the man behind them doesn't live in Denver, Aurora or Lakewood. As many know by now, the man behind the initiatives is Daniel Hayes. He lives in unincorporated Jefferson County and his initiatives are a weapon in his personal battle against illegal immigrants.

‘Personhood’ author inspires man to push for gay marriage amendment

A 23-year-old Lakewood man who plans to meet with legislative staff Tuesday to review his proposed ballot measure to allow gay marriage in Colorado says he was inspired by 20-year-old Kristi Burton, who sponsored the controversial "personhood amendment" on last year's ballot, Lynn Bartels reports in the Rocky Mountain News. "I don't think there should be gender-specific laws when it comes to marriage in Colorado -- or anywhere," golf club salesman Stu Allen told Bartels.

Salazar lays down law on Interior scandals

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar wants the Justice Department to take another look into scandals at the Minerals Management Service with an eye to further criminal prosecution and plans to undertake a "fundamental restructuring of the MMS royalty program," which last year reaped $23.4 billion from oil and gas companies that drill on public land. Salazar, the former Democratic senator named recently to the Obama Cabinet, announced his plans for MMS Thursday afternoon after meeting with the agency's employees in Lakewood.